Friday, October 30, 2009


What a scary and exhausting couple of weeks it has been. My husband, son and I have been home with suspected cases of H1N1. We seem to now be on the mend but I am almost afraid to speak so soon. It has so far managed to skip our daughter and I hope that this is the situation and that she will not become sick. I have barely left the house at all except for going to work the last couple of nights. I finally returned to work on Tuesday after days of being bedbound with cough and fever. David is also back to work, and our son will hopefully be returning to school next week.

I have cabin fever and have forgotten what fall looks like, feels like and smells like. The only thing I have noticed so far is the mountain of leaves I'm going to have to rake when my energy returns. Hopefully soon Ross will feel well enough to venture outside with his sister and the two of them can play in the leaves.

I have had a crazy mirage of dreams the last few nights. More so with the fever. I believe I had deliriously happy dreams with the fever and now that I am without it, my dreams have been growing increasinlgy frightening.

I have a mess to clean, to sort through before going to sleep. I can hear my daughter annimatedly talking to herself. My son on the other hand, is quietly absorbed in something.

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