Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Today was a wonderful day for a fair. The thunder showers held off and Ross was able to eat his hot dog and cup cake in the sun, visit the bouncy castle, jump on a mini-trampoline and ride a pony.

I'm hoping to keep the kids busy for most of the summer between camps and cottage hopefully. I have one month which I still need to fill up to keep the kids occupied and I had a chance today to visit the venues and talk to one of the organizers of a local Bible Camp. Although, I was raised Catholic I consider myself non-denominational. I feel open to all sorts of religions, and why not sign the kids up ...

I was really hoping to make a positive impression so that I could sign up both children, even if signing up the youngest one was iffy because she didn't meet the age requirements. And finally I saw her in the crowds, next to her father. They had just come from a birthday party. She greeted us with a sparkly smile and dark blue eye shadow. Lots of it. Apparently Cinderella had piled on the make up for all the 3 and4 year olds.

Above all, Ella looked really proud of herself and her blue heavy lids.

What else stands out about the day...I saw life and death pictured together in my mind's eye. A woman nursing her baby, sitting on a large rock next to a crypt. It was amazing.

What else was amazing, the showers held off until the fair started to wrap up. Then my husband helped fold and clear tables away which was a kind thing to do because he wasn't even a volunteer. Good on you Dave. Good Karma heading your way!

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